Congratulations to our new Junior officers who were installed in January along with the AOH and LAOH County Board.
At our January meeting, members were busy making items for sale at their Irish Days craft table at Saint Thomas on Saturday February 22nd. Stop by their table to pick up something handcrafted along with a sweet treat.
Parade Day is Saturday March 1st and quickly approaching. Please save the date for a beautiful Mass at Saint Mary’s Church and then join watching or marching in annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade.
Until next time…if any of you know young ladies who are Irish by birth/descent/adoption between the ages of 5 and 18 that are practicing Catholics, please send them our way.
Our next meeting is Sunday, February 16nth at 1pm at the hall on Main St.
In our motto, Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity.
Debbie Burke, 607-727-7183 and Eileen Rowley, 607-761-0212, Junior Co-ordinators
Deborah Burke, President
March gives everyone a chance to celebrate our Irish culture by enjoying the many events and activities in our community. Starting out the month on March 1st is the annual Mass at Saint Mary’s Church at 11am followed by the Saint Patrick’s Day parade and festivities at the AOH and Seton. We hope to see everyone at this special mass in honor of our deceased members and in celebration of Saint Patrick.
The weekend of March 15th, enjoy the music of Old Friends at the AOH on the 15th. On Sunday, the 16th, please support the AOH breakfast from 8am to noon. $10 per person. The breakfast offsets the cost for the Mass on parade day.
Saint Patrick’s Day festivities on the 17th begin with the flag raisings in Johnson City at 9am and in Binghamton at 11:30. Saint Patrick’s Church will have mass at 3pm with a party in the gym after mass. The hall will be open at 11am with music by the Shambles from 6 to 9pm.
We hope you support our Lenten Soup Supper on Good Friday, April 18th from 4:30 to 6pm. Take-out your choice of soup, bread and dessert for $8. Call or text (607) 759-1820 or sign-up at the hall.
Our Scholarship Committee is ramping up for this year’s Mary Curry Memorial Scholarship for 2025. Please see the flyer for information. Deadline for submissions is April 30, 2025.
Thank you to Barbara Button, Chair of our division craft table at Irish Days in February and to our sisters who volunteered, baked goods and made crafts as well as donated items for sale. A special thanks to Marie Davenport and Darlene Comeno, co-chairs of the event.
Welcome Tryntje Bumgartner, Julie Van Atta, Erin McElroy Donnelly, Kathleen Doherty, and Valerie Murphy who became members at our February meeting. We look forward to getting to know you and hope you enjoy the many benefits of becoming a member.
We are collecting dues for 2025., You can pay your dues ($30) at our monthly meeting or send a check payable to LAOH Division Two with your dues card and a self-addressed-stamped envelope to Darlene Comeno 43 Marys Rd. Windsor, NY 13865.
We appreciate our members who actively participate. Please consider helping in some way. You can truly make a difference by becoming an active Hibernian.
Our prayers and sympathy are with the Durgin, Cullen, and Reynolds families for the loss of their loved ones.
Our next division meeting is March 19th at 7pm. I look forward to seeing you there.
“Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!”
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Michele Talcott, President
During the month of March there are many events where you can celebrate your Irish Heritage. Parade Day, Flag Raising in Johnson City, and Binghamton also Irish Entertainment at the hall, and St. Patrick's Day. You can also walk in the Parade with your Hibernian brothers and sisters to share your pride as a member of the LAOH or AOH. Looking forward to seeing you all!
In our motto,
Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
Michele Talcott, President
Copyright Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One, Broome County, NY. All rights reserved.
Barbara Walling, President
It is hard to believe that we are in the month of March.
February was a busy month with Davy Holden speaking on Irish rebel songs, our St. Brigid Mass, Super Bowl Sunday, Irish Heritage Dinner Dance, and Irish Day. On February 28 the B.C. Celtic Pipes and Drums will perform at the hall and on March 1 the annual mass honoring our deceased members will be followed by the St. Patrick’s Day parade. I hope many of you plan on attending mass and marching in the parade. John Tobias will be providing live music at the Hall from 2-4 pm and 6-9 pm on parade day. On March 15, Old Friends will be playing at the hall from 6-9 pm. On Sunday, March 16 the men will hold a pancake breakfast. On St. Patrick’s Day, The Shambles will be playing from 6-9 pm. There are many opportunities to come out and support our hall and I hope that you are looking forward to doing so.
Thank you for all who donated items for our table at Irish Day.
The St. Brigid mass and breakfast held at St. Paul’ was a beautiful event. The hospitality shown by Father Art and the staff at St. Paul’s is deeply appreciated. Many thanks to Debbie Benzi who coordinated the event and all her assistants who helped cook, set up, serve, clean up, wash dishes, and helped in any other way. Thank you to all those who participated in the mass and to our sisters, brothers and juniors who were in attendance.
The Irish Heritage Dinner Dance was held February 15. Thank you to Susan Connors and Meryl Deemie for their work in making this an enjoyable evening. Music was provided by Pat Kane and band and the Edward P. Maloney Memorial Pipe Band also performed. Our parade dignitaries were introduced Maid of Erin Mary Grace Keenan, Official Parade Starter Seamus Clarke, and Grand Marshal Kathy Blodgett. Pat and Jerry Smith were announced by the Parade Committee as the recipients of the 2025 Brain Murphy Community Service Award.
From March 5 through March 14 our division will be collecting feminine hygiene products and men’s Depends which will be donated to the Warming Center and the Lee Barta Center. There is a need for these items in our community. There will be a box for these items at the hall and we would appreciate your support of this project.
Dues are being collected. You can pay dues at our monthly meeting, or you can mail your check made out to LAOH Division 1 for $30, your membership card, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to Eileen Zemek, 1960 Hawleyton Road, Binghamton NY 13903.
When saying prayers please remember the family of Firefighter John “JR” Gaudet who lost his life on a recent fire call. Prayers also go to the family of AOH member Hugh Reynolds on his passing and our Division 2 sister Diane Durgin-Sullivan on the passing of her mother.
Just a reminder, an act of kindness as small as it may seem might make a difference in someone’s day.
Our next meeting is Friday, March 14 at 7 pm. We will recite a decade of the rosary at 6:45 pm. I hope you able to join us.
Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Barb 607-232-6367