Our Junior members continue to show us their unique creative talents, generosity and delight in all things. They give everything their very special touch. They finished 2024 strong!
The Christmas gifts for an adopted family were purchased and wrapped at their December meeting. The 2025 Officers were nominated at their meeting, and they discussed and chose their charities for this year. Generous donations were made to the Boys and Girls Club of Binghamton to help with after school scholarships, PAL Camp, Nathan’s Butterflies and FFAI. The girls enjoyed making pomanders, a craft and Secret Santa exchange.
Congratulations to the nominated 2025 Officers: President-Mikayla Walsh, Vice President-Mary Grace Keenan, Secretary-Elizabeth Coyle, Treasurer-Quinn Coyle, Financial Secretary-Mya McManus, Historian-Layla Blodgett, Missions & Charities-Fiona Sisentein, Catholic Action-Elody Kozel Mistress at Arms-Kathleen Keenan, Sentinel-Elizabeth Lewis, Immediate Past President-Cecelia Cole.
We are very proud of Mary Grace who was selected to be the 2025 Maid of Erin. Congratulations!
Our next meeting is Sunday, January 19 at 1pm at the hall on Main St.
Wishing everyone a happy New Year!
We welcome young ladies who are Irish-by birth/descent/adoption between the ages of five and eighteen that are practicing Catholics to apply for membership. To apply contact your Division President or pick up an application at the Hall.
Deborah Burke, President
It gives me great pleasure to extend our warmest congratulations to 2025 St. Patrick’s Day Parade Officials Grand Marshal-Kathy Blodgett, Maid of Erin- Mary Grace Keenan and Official Starter-Binghamton Police Officer-Seamus Clarke.
Installation of the new Officers for the AOH, Broome County LAOH and LAOH Juniors will take place on Sunday, January 5th at 1pm at the hall. Please join us in congratulating the new officers.
The Parade Committee is ramping up for the St. Patrick’s Day parade to be held on March 1, 2025. Consider taking an advertisement in the Parade Ad Journal. This is a great way to showcase your business or to include a personal note. For information, contact me at (607) 772-0280. The proceeds help with the cost of the sponsoring the parade.
The LAOH County Heritage Dinner Dance will be February 15th at the Atrio Endicott with music by Pat Kane and the Edward P Maloney Pipe band. It is a lovely evening with cocktail hour at 6pm., dinner, dancing and introduction of the Parade Officials. Tickets $45. Deadline 02/06/25.
Save the date for Irish Days on February 22 the at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Come enjoy the day with Irish music, dance, good food and Irish goods for sale.
The NYS 2025 fundraiser lottery calendars are available for purchase $25. Contact me if you would like to purchase one.
We will continue to collect mittens, hats, and scarves for the needy. You can bring to the next meeting or drop at the hall. Eileen Rowley will distribute throughout the community.
Sashes are available for purchase for $40. Contact Bill at (607) 772-0280.
The 2025 annual dues of $30.00 a year are due in January. You can pay your dues at our monthly meeting in January or send a check payable to LAOH Division Two with your dues card and a self-addressed-stamped envelope to AOH Hall, 148 Main St. Binghamton, NY 13905 Attn: Darlene Comeno.
Thank you to our members for the items they brought to our December meeting to donate to Birthright and the delicious food!
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, January 15 at 7pm.
Athbhliain faoi Mhaise Daoibh! Happy New Year!
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Barbara Walling, President
Welcome 2025. Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Congratulations to our sister, Carol Harding and her AOH husband, Dick on being the recipients of the Immaculata Award given by the Diocese in December. They are members of Our Lady of Sorrows in Vestal.
Congratulations to our sister, Kathy Blodgett on being chosen Grand Marshal of the 2025 St. Patrick’s Parade.
A very special thank you to the fantastic bakers who came forward at a busy time of the year to make our holiday cookie fundraiser a huge success!
An enthusiastic and musical thank you to our sister Pauline LeStrange with her traveling keyboard, along with Sue Messina, Maggie Haines and Division 2 sister Nancy Hyatt for leading our sing-along at the Christmas party. What a great way to share the spirit of Christmas.
Many of our members supported events during December including Wreaths Across America, our December missions for the Children’s Home of Wyoming Conference and SUNY-Broome’s Health for Hispaniola community outreach, and Steve and Kelly Cole’s charity fundraiser for Nathan’s Butterflies.
Dues for 2025 are now being collected and are $30. You may pay your dues at our monthly meeting or mail a check for $30 made out to LAOH Division 1, your membership card and a self-addressed stamped envelope to Eileen Zemek, 1960 Hawleyton Road, Binghamton NY 13903.
Our prayers and sympathies go to Meryl Deemie and family on the passing of her grandson Tim and to the family of our division 2 sister Marlene Mulcahy on her passing. Remember in your prayers our sister and brother Hibernians and their families who may need a healing prayer. Continuing prayers for our military, first responders and health care workers.
Our next meeting will be Friday, January 10th at 7 pm. We will say a decade of the Rosary at 6:30 pm. Our mission for January will be donating standard size pillowcases to the Warming Center for people to carry their belongings in when they leave. I look forward to you joining us.
Yours in Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity
Barb, bwalling@binghamton.edu - 607-232-6367
Marie Davenport, President
Congratulations to each of the new officers to be installed on January 5.
Best wishes to everyone for a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful 2025!
In our Motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Marie Davenport, President (607)727-6102
Copyright Monsignor Lawrence E. Giblin Division One, Broome County, NY. All rights reserved.